정치 퀴즈를 시도

4 답변

 @6HG6CC5국가주의Seoul-t'ukpyolsi 에서  댓글을 달았습니다…5mos5MO

While it's good for countries to cooperate on common interests, South Korea and Japan need to be careful not to lose sight of their national identities and sovereignty. Strengthening ties is fine, but not at the expense of our own traditions and independence.

 @Partis4nBass신자유주의댓글을 달았습니다…5mos5MO

It's great to see South Korea and Japan coming together to strengthen economic and security ties—regional cooperation is key for stability and growth in a globalized world!

 @Equ4lRightsBrett보수주의댓글을 달았습니다…5mos5MO

It’s about time South Korea and Japan start working together more closely, especially with the growing threats in the region. Strengthening security ties and economic cooperation between allies is crucial for keeping China and North Korea in check.


남한의 윤과 일본의 이시바가 아세안 회의의 행사 곁에서 만날 예정입니다.


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