Kokeile poliittinen tietokilpailu

101 Keskustelut

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China Facilitates Historic Reconciliation Talks Between Palestinian Rivals Hamas and Fatah

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Duchess of Edinburgh Marks Historic Visit to Ukraine, Showcasing Royal Solidarity

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NATO Chief Criticizes Slow Arms Deliveries to Ukraine, Citing Advantage to Russia

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Ecuador ryhtyy oikeustoimiin Meksikoa vastaan ​​Maailman tuomioistuimessa turvapaikkariidan vuoksi

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…8tuntia8H

Uskotko, että on eettisiä näkökohtia valittaessa sodissa käytettävää aseistusta?

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…8tuntia8H

Kuinka vastakkaisia teknologioita käytetään sodankäynnissä muuttaa näkemystäsi konfliktista?

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Minkälaisia tunteita sinussa herättää kuva ensimmäisen maailmansodan lentokoneesta, joka taistelee modernia dronea vasta…

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…8tuntia8H

Onko vanhan teknologian uudelleenkäyttö uusiin konflikteihin innovaation vai epätoivon teko?

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…8tuntia8H

Miltä sinusta tuntuu käyttää vanhoja lentokoneita menneistä konflikteista nykyaikaisessa sodankäynnissä?

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Ukraina käyttää ensimmäisen maailmansodan lentokoneita venäläisten droonien alasajoon

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…10 tuntia10H

Miten kansainvälisten elinten, kuten ICC:n, osallistuminen muuttaa käsitystäsi oikeudesta konfliktialueilla?

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Jos olisit lääkäri tai sairaanhoitaja konfliktialueella, mitä haasteita kuvittelet kohtaavasi, kun kansainväliset tutkij…

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Syyttäjät Kansainvälisestä Rikostuomioistuimesta haastattelevat Gazan sairaalan työntekijöitä

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Georgia Engulfed in Protests Over Controversial 'Foreign Agent' Bill

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…12 tuntia12H

Is it the responsibility of a nation to investigate and possibly prosecute its citizens serving in a foreign military wh…

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…12 tuntia12H

Do you think the opinions of a country's citizens should influence its foreign aid policies, especially in matters of mi…

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Should the potential for war crimes committed by a nation's military justify a halt in aid from its allies, even if that…

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If a group of government lawyers believe their own government is acting against its laws, should they stay silent, resig…

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20 Government Lawyers Call On Biden To Halt Military Aid To Israel

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Xi Jinping's Strategic European Tour Amidst Growing US-China Rivalry

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Trump Surges Ahead in Polls, Casting Shadow Over Biden's Reelection Hopes

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Taliban Leader Says U.S. Will Be Attacked For "Failed" Afghanistan Policies

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Venäjä on menettänyt 450 000 sotilasta Ukrainan sodassa

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Turkey Throws Support Behind Rutte for NATO's Top Job

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US Military's Gaza Aid Pier Project Costs Soar to $320 Million

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…18 tuntia18H

Do you think the idea of temporary peace, like a six-week pause, is effective in the long term for resolving conflicts?

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Diplomats Hopeful Of Gaza War Peace Break Through

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If transparency is vital for democracy, how do you reconcile the U.S.'s handling of arms shipments to Ukraine differentl…

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How does the secrecy surrounding U.S. arms transfers to Israel impact your views on the ethical responsibilities of inte…

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Considering potential human rights violations, should the U.S. be more transparent about where and how its weapons are u…

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Why do you think the U.S. chooses to publicize support for Ukraine but not for Israel, and how does that align with your…

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How does the difference in transparency between U.S. arms shipments to Ukraine and Israel affect your trust in governmen…

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Why Does the U.S. Arm Ukraine With Fanfare and Israel in Secret?

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…20 tuntia20H

If you had the power to influence the outcome of such conflicts, what would be your top priority to ensure the safety an…

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…20 tuntia20H

How do you react to the idea of living under constant threat from an advancing enemy, and what would be your main concer…

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…20 tuntia20H

Imagine you were a soldier in this situation; would you prefer to stand your ground or retreat to fight another day, and…

 @ISIDEWITH kysyi…20 tuntia20H

Do you think the decision to retreat to save lives is a sign of strength or weakness, and why?

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How would you feel if your hometown was suddenly caught in the middle of a conflict like the one described?

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Ukraine Retreats From Eastern Front

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How does the prospect of unmanned drones controlling future warfare change your perception of safety and conflict?

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What implications do you think the development of advanced military drones has on international peace and stability?

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How would you feel if another country's technological advancement directly threatened your nation's security?

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Considering the rapid development of military technology, what is your stance on the future role of drones in ensuring n…

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How do you think the advancement of drones like China's affects the concept of 'peace' in a global context?

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If you had the power, would you support or oppose the use of highly advanced drones in warfare, and why?

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What personal fears or hopes does the development of advanced military technology like supersonic drones evoke in you?

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How would you feel about international stability if drones like China's could significantly shift military power balance…

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China's New Supersonic Drone Could Threaten U.S. Navy

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Should a leader's commitment to climate change impact their legacy positively or negatively, regardless of their politic…

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Is it justifiable for a politician to resign over disputes on environmental policies?

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How much should a country sacrifice to achieve 'net zero' carbon emissions?

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Do you feel leaders should prioritize environmental goals over their political careers?

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Scotland’s leader quits over climate change

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Tensions Rise as Ukrainian Soldiers Killed in Germany, Suspected Political Motive Investigated

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Xi Jinping's European Tour: A Strategic Move to Strengthen China-EU Relations