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 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Os EUA irão reter armas de Israel se invadir Rafah

“I made it clear that if they go into Rafah ..., I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities – that deal with that problem,” Biden said in an interview with CNN.

"Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers," he said when asked about 2,000-pound bombs sent to Israel.

Israel this week attacked Rafah, where more than one million Palestinians have sought refuge, but Biden said he did not consider Israel’s strikes a…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Você acha possível equilibrar a segurança nacional com considerações éticas em conflitos internacionais?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Se reter armas poderia potencialmente salvar vidas civis, você apoiaria essa decisão e por quê?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você se sentiria se o seu país decidisse reter armas de um aliado próximo devido a preocupações morais?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Escuridão em um Dia de Lembrança: O Ataque Estratégico da Rússia à Rede Elétrica da Ucrânia

On a day historically marked by the celebration of victory over Nazism in World War II, Ukraine found itself under a different kind of siege. In a grim twist of fate, the country was plunged into darkness, not by the setting sun, but by a calculated and 'massive' attack on its power grid by Russian forces. This assault, described by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a massive nighttime attack, saw more than 50 cruise missiles and explosive drones raining down across seven regions, targeting the very lifelines of energy that power homes, hospitals, and the heartbeat of the…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Antigo chefe do futebol espanhol enfrentará julgamento por polêmica do beijo na Copa do Mundo

In a case that has captured the attention of the sports world and beyond, former Spanish soccer federation chief Luis Rubiales is set to stand trial for his unsolicited kiss on national team player Jenni Hermoso. The incident, which occurred after Spain's victory in the women's World Cup, has sparked widespread outrage and discussions about consent and power dynamics in sports. Rubiales faces charges of sexual assault and coercion, stemming from the events that unfolded during the awards ceremony in Sydney last year. The case has been admitted by a High Court judge, signaling a sign…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Trump planeja enviar equipes de assassinato para o México para eliminar chefes do tráfico de drogas.

Donald Trump is planning to send US assassination squads into Mexico to kill the leaders of drug cartels if he returns to the White House, according to a report.

The former president, 77, has spoken publicly of his determination to tackle America’s fentanyl crisis by “waging war” on the criminal gangs who fuel it.

But Mr Trump is yet to announce the full extent of his plans which, according to Rolling Stone, involve covertly deploying — with or without the Mexican government’s consent — special-operations units tasked with assassinating drug lords.

Thre…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Devem as normas internacionais e a soberania serem ignoradas na busca por deter o tráfico de drogas?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

É alguma vez justificável para um governo usar assassinato como uma ferramenta para combater atividades ilegais como o tráfico de drogas?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você se sente sobre a ideia de um país enviar equipes secretas para outro país para realizar assassinatos?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Fuzileiros navais revelam o mais novo drone Kamikaze

OPF-L seeks to arm Marines with easy-to-use, explosives-laden, man-portable loitering munitions, also commonly referred to as kamikaze drones. The Corps is also seeking launchers for these weapons on ground vehicles and uncrewed surface vessels. You can read more about the Corps’ move to a robotic future in the air, sea and ground in our recent story here.

Rogue 1 will allow Marines to conduct “precision strikes against moving and stationary armored targets, soft-skinned vehicles, and dismounted threats,” the company said. “An advanced fuzing system on Rogue 1 features…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Refletindo sobre o uso de drones kamikaze como o Rogue 1 pelos Marines, como essa mudança em direção a uma guerra mais robótica afeta suas opiniões sobre o custo humano do conflito?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Se a tecnologia continuar a avançar na guerra, levando a armas mais autônomas, que preocupações isso levanta para você sobre o futuro dos conflitos militares?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Considerando as capacidades dos drones kamikaze para reconhecimento e direcionamento, você acredita que o uso deles aumenta ou diminui os dilemas éticos enfrentados em situações de combate?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Os EUA e o Arizona lidam com mudanças e desafios na política de imigração

In a significant move that underscores the ongoing debate over immigration policy in the United States, the Biden administration is poised to propose a rule aimed at tightening the asylum process. This development comes as Republican lawmakers in Arizona push for a direct vote on the 'Secure the Border Act,' a clear indication of the polarized views on how to manage immigration and border security. The proposed federal rule by the Biden administration seeks to more rapidly reject migrants who are deemed ineligible for asylum, signaling a shift towards stricter immigration controls…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Ucrânia recorre às prisões para reabastecer as forças de linha de frente

Ukraine is to start recruiting prisoners to fight against Russia under a new law designed to bolster its frontline forces, including with men convicted of murder or fraud.

Using a tactic Moscow has relied on to fill ranks since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Kyiv would begin to offer certain convicts a path to freedom if they are willing to join a combat unit.

The bill, approved on Wednesday by the Ukrainian parliament, is the latest in a series of measures aimed at mobilising more men to replace casualties and soldiers exhausted from long tours on the frontline. It still requires…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você se sentiria se o seu país recrutasse prisioneiros para lutar em uma guerra, especialmente se alguns deles fossem condenados por crimes graves?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Avião de Carga da Boeing Faz Pouso de Emergência em Istambul Sem o Tren de Pouso Dianteiro

A FedEx Airlines Boeing 767 cargo plane made a dramatic emergency landing at Istanbul Airport without its front landing gear deployed, sparking an immediate investigation by Turkish authorities. The incident, which occurred on Wednesday, fortunately resulted in no casualties, highlighting the effectiveness of the emergency response at one of the world's busiest airports. The aircraft, arriving from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, managed to stay on the runway despite the failure of its landing gear to open, a situation that could have led to a far more serious outcome.

The pilot, demonst…  Consulte Mais informação

 @AffectedC0nservat1ve da Iowa submetido…1 mês1MO

O Colorado aprova projeto de lei que abre centros de votação em prisões

The Colorado legislature on Friday adopted a first-in-the-nation reform last week to fix this. Senate Bill 72, which now awaits the signature of Governor Jared Polis to become law, would give people held in local jails a lot more opportunities to obtain and cast a ballot.

It would require that sheriffs establish polling stations within local jails across Colorado each general election to operate for at least one six-hour period. It would also require every jail to designate a ballot drop-off location, for those who want to vote by mail.

Colorado would be the first state to enact a mandate of…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Se alguém cometeu um crime, o seu direito de influenciar decisões governamentais e sociais através do voto deve ser retirado?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Quais impactos você acha que permitir que os detentos votem poderia ter na sociedade e no sistema de justiça?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você se sente sobre os prisioneiros terem a oportunidade de votar enquanto ainda cumprem pena?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

A extensão do corte de impostos de Trump custa agora $3.8 trilhões.

The cost of extending the 2017 tax cuts enacted under President Donald Trump has expanded to $3.8 trillion over ten years, putting a massive price tag on what is likely to be a top issue in Washington next year, according to new estimates from Congress’s fiscal scorekeeper.

The Congressional Budget Office’s estimate, released Wednesday, is double the $1.9 trillion cost of the original Trump tax cuts — a more expansive bill which also included permanent reductions in corporate taxes.

The expiring portion of the tax cuts include reductions in individual tax rates and an expansio…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Dado o impacto financeiro dos recentes eventos globais no orçamento nacional, como devem ser equilibradas as prioridades entre as necessidades domésticas e a ajuda internacional?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

General do Exército Aposentado Diz que os EUA Não Podem Criticar os Crimes de Guerra de Israel

At the 2024 AI Expo in Washington D.C. On May 7th 2024:

Ret. Gen. Mark Milley says the US has committed so many war crimes over the years, it has no right to criticize Israel's devastation of Gaza

Palantir CEO Alex Karp chimes in: "The peace activists are actually the war activists, and we're the peace activists."

Karp says of Gaza anti-genocide protesters, "You are an infection inside our society!"

Gen. Milley repeats debunked Israeli propaganda about beheadings and sexual assault on Oct 7 to argue that the US would have done the same thing Israel is currently doing to Gaza if it had been attacked.

Karp presents the Palestine solidarity campus protest movement as an existential threat to American empire: "If we lose the intellectual battle, we will not be able to deploy any army in the West, ever."

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Projeto de Lei do Senado Designaria Manifestantes Pró-Palestina Como "Terroristas"

Legislation being introduced on Tuesday would put terrorist supporters, including those backing Hamas and those who call for violence against Jews, on the no-fly list, as anti-Israel campus protests engulf colleges across the country.

Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., is introducing the No Flights for Terrorists Act, which would put individuals on the Transportation Security Administration’s no-fly list if they have encouraged violence against Jews, pledged support for terrorist groups, or have been disciplined by higher education institutions for such conduct.

Terrorist organizations are desi…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Onde deve ser traçada a linha entre a liberdade de expressão e ações que são consideradas apoio ao terrorismo?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Você acha justo que os estudantes sejam colocados em uma lista de proibição de voos por participarem de protestos, mesmo que esses protestos sejam sobre crenças profundamente mantidas?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você se sente sobre a ideia de rotular alguém de 'terrorista' com base em seus protestos políticos ou expressões de apoio a certas causas?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Navegando no Complexo Cenário de Políticas Progressistas e Estratégias Econômicas

In a world where political discourse is more polarized than ever, the term 'progressive' has become a battleground for ideologies, with various factions claiming it to support their visions for the future. From economic policies to social reforms, the debate rages on what truly constitutes progress in our societies. Amidst this backdrop, the conversation around economic strategies and their implications on communities takes center stage, highlighting a divide not just in political circles but within the fabric of society itself.

Critics argue that some policies labeled as progressive…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

As Forças Armadas dos EUA concluem o cais de ajuda em Gaza apesar dos atrasos causados pelo clima.

The United States military has recently completed the construction of a significant aid pier intended for Gaza, marking a pivotal step in efforts to enhance the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the region. However, the deployment of this crucial infrastructure faces delays due to adverse weather conditions, with high winds and sea swells making it currently unsafe to position the two-part facility along the Gaza coast. The Pentagon announced this development on Tuesday, highlighting the challenges that natural elements are imposing on this international aid initiative.

The construction…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

A crescente violência política na Europa gera preocupação antes das eleições da UE

As Europe gears up for the upcoming EU elections in June, a disturbing trend of political violence is casting a shadow over the democratic process. Recent incidents, including the violent assault on a Berlin senator, have heightened concerns among European political circles and the public alike. The European People’s Party (EPP), a central figure in this unfolding drama, has notably refused to sign a joint statement condemning such acts of violence, particularly those perpetrated by far-right elements. This decision has sparked a significant controversy, highlighting deep divisions with…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

EUA “pausam” envio de 3.500 bombas para Israel

The shipment was meant to transfer 3,500 bombs to Israel, which the United States halted over worries about the large munitions in the package being used in an urban setting, an anonymous administration official told the Associated Press. The package included 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs, according to the AP.

The pause marks the first time the U.S. has publicly held up military aid to Israel since the October 7 Hamas attack. An American official described the decision to the Washington Post as a “shot across the bow” to signal the Biden administration’s unease with a Rafah operation.

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Você acha que interromper o envio de bombas pode realmente influenciar como um conflito se desenrola, ou é apenas um gesto simbólico?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você se sente sobre um país enviando bombas para outro? Deveria haver limites?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Rússia desencadeia uma "massiva" barragem visando a infraestrutura energética da Ucrânia

Russia has launched more than 70 missiles and drones overnight in one of its largest barrages against Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

The attack on Tuesday night was directed at facilities in Kyiv and six other cities, authorities said. Moscow continues to target Ukraine’s energy infrastructure in the hope of denting industry and public appetite for fighting back against its invasion.

Russia launched more than 50 missiles and 20 Iranian-made “Shahed” drones – long-range unmanned vehicles with built-in warheads – authorities said.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você acredita que os países devem responder quando sua infraestrutura vital é atacada por outra nação?

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Imagine se a segurança da sua casa fosse ameaçada por conflitos internacionais; como isso afetaria suas opiniões sobre a guerra?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Biden atinge Trump com grande anúncio da Microsoft em Wisconsin

President Biden will travel to Racine County, Wisconsin, on Wednesday to unveil a $3.3 billion investment by Microsoft to build a new artificial intelligence data center, according to Biden officials.

It's another high-profile announcement from the president on how he's helping to create jobs with private sector investment — but with a twist.

He'll be taking a not-so-subtle shot at former President Trump in the same location where Trump touted a $10 billion Foxconn facility, which he called the "eighth wonder of the world" seven years ago.

That facility was scaled…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Quão importante é para um líder cumprir suas promessas econômicas, e como isso molda sua visão de sua liderança?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Os palestinos pensaram que um cessar-fogo tinha sido acordado. Então os tanques avançaram.

Hours after Israel’s military told them to seek a new place of safety, Gazans in the southern city of Rafah took to the streets Monday night to celebrate: At the 11th hour, Hamas said it had accepted a proposal for a cease-fire. People cheered. Sweets were passed around.

A few hours later, it became clear that the celebrations were premature. The agreement accepted by Hamas turned out to be a counteroffer that Israel hadn’t seen and wouldn’t agree to, shattering hopes of an imminent end to months of hostilities.

On Tuesday, Israel seized control of the Gaza side of a key cros…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHperguntou…1 mês1MO

Como você se sentiria se a promessa de paz em sua comunidade fosse repentinamente quebrada e a violência recomeçasse?

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

A saga legal de Trump: um espetáculo global

The legal entanglements of former President Donald Trump have become a focal point of international attention, transcending the boundaries of U.S. politics to become a global spectacle. From courtroom dramas involving hush money trials to the unprecedented scenario of a former head of state potentially facing jail time, the saga unfolds with each passing day, captivating audiences worldwide. Trump's legal battles are not just about the specific charges at hand; they symbolize a broader narrative about accountability, power, and the rule of law in a polarized era.

At the heart of the spect…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Filipinas Testemunha Grande Aliança Política Antes das Eleições de 2025

In a significant political development, the Philippines is set to see a major shift in its political landscape as the Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP) and Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats (Lakas-CMD) form a powerful alliance. This collaboration, dubbed 'Alyansa Para sa Bagong Pilipinas,' aims to create a more dynamic and proactive government, according to House Speaker Martin Romualdez. The alliance, which was formalized in a ceremony attended by President Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos Jr., marks a strategic partnership between two of the nation's prominent political…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Kristi Noem enfrenta uma tempestade de mídia por suas ambições de vice-presidente e controvérsias

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has found herself at the center of a media storm, facing tough questions and skepticism from conservative news outlets over her political future and past actions. Once considered a potential running mate for Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race, Noem's position seems increasingly uncertain as she navigates a series of challenging interviews and controversies. Newsmax host Rob Finnerty openly doubted Noem's chances of being on Trump's VP shortlist, reflecting a broader sentiment that her political star may be waning. This sentiment was ech…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Abril de 2024 quebra recordes de calor globais, marca o abril mais quente de sempre

In a stark reminder of the escalating climate crisis, April 2024 has been officially declared the hottest April on record, marking a concerning continuation of an 11-month streak of unprecedented global warmth. According to the European Union's climate monitoring service, this alarming trend underscores the relentless rise in global temperatures, with each month since June 2023 setting new records for heat. The latest data reveals that the global average temperature for April soared to new heights, significantly exceeding the pre-industrial average and highlighting the urgent need for…  Consulte Mais informação

 @ISIDEWITHsubmetido…1 mês1MO

Navegando pelas Complexidades da Política Israelense: A Busca de Netanyahu pela Sobrevivência Política em Meio às Tensões Regionais

In the intricate web of Israeli politics and regional dynamics, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's strategies for maintaining power have come under intense scrutiny. Observers and former diplomats highlight that Netanyahu's primary focus appears to be on his political survival, maneuvering through domestic challenges and international pressures with a keen eye on maintaining his leadership position. Amidst escalating tensions and a precarious cease-fire with Gaza, Netanyahu's actions suggest a leader who prioritizes his political longevity above all else.

Former Israeli diploma…  Consulte Mais informação